Don’t Feel Guilty About Leaving Your Kid in a Saturday Day Care Center
For many parents, the work week doesn’t end at 5 o’clock on Friday. Yes, many people, parents, including, do work on Saturdays. If you are one of these people, finding a daycare that operates on Saturday is crucial. We are Boss Babies Learning Center, based in San Antonio, TX, and we offer Saturday day care.
A daycare center is not just a place you temporarily leave your child for your own convenience. It also brings numerous benefits for the child. This means that an extra day spent in a daycare center is not just a lifesaver for you when you have to work on a Saturday but also an extra day where your child can experience all the advantages that it brings.
The fun activities that take place in our daycare center are essential to your child’s intellectual growth and development. It helps the children form habits when it comes to eating, napping, and playing. That is also great for parents because they won’t have to worry about unpredictable behavior.
Various research also shows that teenagers who have higher academic achievements have attended a childcare center as children. A child also spends more time with their peers in the center, which helps them develop social skills. Besides, daycare centers make the transition to kindergarten and pre-school easier. You may also be surprised to learn that children who attended daycare are more likely to attain college degrees.
Another benefit of daycare centers is that they teach children how to interact with adults and authority figures other than their parents, which also prepares them for school.
Other than their intellectual development, daycare also boosts the child’s immunity system. In the center, they are in contact with other children who may have various strains of flu or cold. This exposure helps them build better immunity.
The pros of daycare don’t end here, but we won’t go through them all. We think by now you got the idea – don’t feel guilty about leaving your toddler in daycare if you have work to do, chores to run, or some other activity, in which you can’t include your kid. Saturday day care is right for them.
If you are looking for a Saturday day care center in San Antonio, TX, you won’t find a better one than Boss Babies Learning Center. We offer quality services. We have video surveillance at our facility, and we can share access with our client. Enrollment is easy – call us today at (210) 701-8865.